
Using the command-line interface tool (CLI) can achieve convenient and fast cluster management. With this tool, you can view the status of the cluster and each node, and manage each node, volume, and user.


With the continuous improvement of the CLI, 100% coverage of the interface functions of each node in the cluster will eventually be achieved.

Compilation and Configuration

After downloading the CubeFS source code, run the build.sh file in the cubefs/cli directory to generate the cfs-cli executable.

At the same time, a configuration file named .cfs-cli.json will be generated in the root directory. Modify the master address to the master address of the current cluster. You can also use the ./cfs-cli config info and ./cfs-cli config set commands to view and set the configuration file.


In the cubefs/cli directory, run the command ./cfs-cli --help or ./cfs-cli -h to get the CLI help document.

The CLI is mainly divided into some types of management commands:

cfs-cli clusterCluster management
cfs-cli metanodeMetaNode management
cfs-cli datanodeDataNode management
cfs-cli datapartitionData Partition management
cfs-cli metapartitionMeta Partition management
cfs-cli configConfiguration management
cfs-cli volume, volVolume management
cfs-cli userUser management
cfs-cli nodesetNodeset management
cfs-cli quotaQuota management
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