Environment Preparation

Cluster Information

Version: v3.3.1

Node TypeNumber of NodesCPUMemoryStorageNetworkRemarks
Management Node38 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6130 CPU @ 2.10GHz32GiB DDR4 2666 MHz197GiB HDD SCSI10 Gb/sDocker container
Metadata Node580 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6230 CPU @ 2.10GHz377GiB DDR4 2933MHz4 x 3.7TiB SSD NVMe50 Gb/sMixed deployment
Data Node580 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6230 CPU @ 2.10GHz377GiB DDR4 2933MHz4 x 3.7TiB SSD NVMe50 Gb/sMixed deployment

Volume Settings

No quota is set, and no flow control rate limit is set on DataNode.

ParameterDefault ValueRecommended ValueDescription
FollowerReadFalseFalseWhether to enable FollowerRead
Capacity10 GB300,000,000 GBCapacity
Data Replica Number3500Number of data replicas
Meta Replica Number33Number of metadata replicas
Data Partition Size120 GB120 GBTheoretical upper limit, no space is pre-allocated
Data Partition Count101500Number of data partitions
Meta Partition Count310Number of metadata partitions
Cross ZoneFalseFalseWhether to cross zones

Setting method:

./cfs-cli volume create test-vol {owner} --capacity=300000000 --mp-count=10
Create a new volume:
  Name                     : test-vol
  Owner                    : {owner}
  capacity                 : 300000000 G
  deleteLockTime           : 0 h
  crossZone                : false
  DefaultPriority          : false
  description              : 
  mpCount                  : 10
  replicaNum               : 
  size                     : 120 G
  volType                  : 0
  followerRead             : false
  readOnlyWhenFull         : false
  zoneName                 : 
  cacheRuleKey             : 
  ebsBlkSize               : 8388608 byte
  cacheCapacity            : 0 G
  cacheAction              : 0
  cacheThreshold           : 10485760 byte
  cacheTTL                 : 30 day
  cacheHighWater           : 80
  cacheLowWater            : 60
  cacheLRUInterval         : 5 min
  TransactionMask          : 
  TransactionTimeout       : 1 min
  TxConflictRetryNum       : 0
  TxConflictRetryInterval  : 0 ms

Confirm (yes/no)[yes]: yes
Create volume success.

Expand dp to 500:

curl -v ""
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