Cluster Management

Show Cluster Information

Get cluster information, including cluster name, address, number of volumes, number of nodes, and usage rate, etc.

cfs-cli cluster info

Show Cluster Usage

Get usage, status, etc. of metaNodes and dataNodes by region.

cfs-cli cluster stat

Freeze/Unfreeze Cluster

Freeze the cluster. After setting it to true, when the partition is full, the cluster will not automatically allocate new partitions.

cfs-cli cluster freeze [true/false]

Set Memory Threshold

Set the memory threshold for each MetaNode in the cluster. If the memory usage reaches this threshold, all the metaPartition will be readOnly. [float] should be a float number between 0 and 1.

cfs-cli cluster threshold [float]

Set Volume Deletion DelayTime

Set the volDeletionDelayTime configuration, measured in hours, which represents the number of hours after enabling delayed volume deletion when the volume will be permanently deleted. Prior to that, it will be marked for deletion and can be recovered. default is 48 hours.

cfs-cli cluster volDeletionDelayTime [VOLDELETIONDELAYTIME]

Cluster Configuration Setup

Set the configurations of the cluster.

cfs-cli cluster set [flags]
      --autoRepairRate string        DataNode auto repair rate
      --batchCount string            MetaNode delete batch count
      --deleteWorkerSleepMs string   MetaNode delete worker sleep time with millisecond. if 0 for no sleep
  -h, --help                         help for set
      --loadFactor string            Load Factor
      --markDeleteRate string        DataNode batch mark delete limit rate. if 0 for no infinity limit
      --maxDpCntLimit string         Maximum number of dp on each datanode, default 3000, 0 represents setting to default
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