Metadata Node Management


curl -v ""

Adds a new metadata node in the corresponding region.

Parameter List

addrstringAddress for interaction between metadata node and master


curl -v ""  | python -m json.tool

Displays detailed information about the metadata node, including the address, total memory size, used memory size, etc.

Parameter List

addrstringAddress for interaction between metadata node and master

Response Example

    "ID": 3,
    "Addr": "",
    "IsActive": true,
    "Zone": "zone1",
    "MaxMemAvailWeight": 66556215048,
    "TotalWeight": 67132641280,
    "UsedWeight": 576426232,
    "Ratio": 0.008586377967698518,
    "SelectCount": 0,
    "Carry": 0.6645600532184904,
    "Threshold": 0.75,
    "ReportTime": "2018-12-05T17:26:28.29309577+08:00",
    "MetaPartitionCount": 1,
    "NodeSetID": 2,
    "PersistenceMetaPartitions": {}

Decommission Node

curl -v "" 


To avoid writing new data to the node being decommissioned, you can first set the node status to offline. All metadata shards on the node will be asynchronously migrated to other available metadata nodes in the cluster. There are two modes: normal mode and strict mode.

Parameter List

addrstringAddress for interaction between metadata node and master

Set Threshold

curl -v ""

If the memory usage rate of a metadata node reaches this threshold, all metadata shards on the node will be set to read-only.

Parameter List

thresholdfloat64Maximum ratio of memory that a metadata node can use on its own machine


curl -v ""

Migrates a specified number of metadata shards from the source metadata node to the target metadata node.

Parameter List

srcAddrstringAddress of the source metadata node
targetAddrstringAddress of the target metadata node
countintNumber of metadata shards to be migrated. Optional. The default value is 15.
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